CryoSeed Blog

Press Release
January 3, 2023

CryoSeed Launches ‘Genesis’ Wallet Backup And Limited Edition ‘Taylor Series’ Collection

Berlin startup CryoSeed (Seed Industries) announces their flagship product, ‘CryoSeed - Genesis’, a lockable, steel, wallet recovery product, and reveals a limited-edition cypherpunk-inspired ‘Taylor Series’ collection, produced in partnership with…
January 3, 2023

Your CryoSeed – Genesis Wallet Backup Just Arrived. Now What?

The CryoSeed team would like to thank you for choosing the Genesis wallet backup to store your digital assets. Our secure seed-phrase storage product will ensure your legacy endures the…
Press Release
January 3, 2023

CryoSeed Launches ‘Genesis’ Wallet Backup And Limited Edition ‘Taylor Series’ Collection

Berlin startup CryoSeed (Seed Industries) announces their flagship product, ‘CryoSeed - Genesis’, a lockable, steel, wallet recovery product, and reveals a limited-edition cypherpunk-inspired ‘Taylor Series’ collection, produced in partnership with…
January 3, 2023

Your CryoSeed – Genesis Wallet Backup Just Arrived. Now What?

The CryoSeed team would like to thank you for choosing the Genesis wallet backup to store your digital assets. Our secure seed-phrase storage product will ensure your legacy endures the…